Friday, April 23, 2010

it feels like...Spring??

Tech in the am, then we were all inspired by the sunny morning and decided to play a game of soccer. I was suffering a bit because I was still stuffed up from being sick, but it was such a nice day I couldn’t resist playing. Dave, Sara, Jenny and I went into town with DuPuy after to use the internet and attempt to be productive at the station. Our goal for the next few days is to finish most of our seminar topics so we can put our book filled with all of our topics together before we graduate. Since I usually go to the library to do my essays- and apparently other people do too- DuPuy agreed to drive us to Richmond and stay at the Station for a few hours. I was pretty productive and was able to do about 1.5 of my topics. Not too shabby.
When we got back I did a little bit more work then gave up for the night. On the TV agenda for the night DuPuy had us scheduled for an hour of Brideshead Revisited (DuPuy promised not to commentate the show this time) and then the Hangover. I forgot how much I loved the Hangover- SO FUNNY. It was pretty late by the time we were done and I went straight to bed.

Tech in the morning- just one more exam!! After I did some more work on my seminar topics and went for a run. The weather is excellent- it is actually starting to feel like spring here. I wore a sweatshirt and pants and I was…hot! After some more procrastination I finally hunkered down and finished another topic before dinner and then gave up for the night. The movie agenda tonight is the Bucket List- not as funny as what I had originally thought it was supposed to be but it was still a really great movie. So uplifting! If I’m rich when I’m about to die I’m definitely doing that :P
Emma and I got a hankering for cookies so we made peanut butter cookies after the movie- excellent life choice. I read some Sherlock Holmes and went to bed.

We had tech in the morning, and then Emma, Jenny, Dave and I went to Richmond again to do some work. By the time general swim was open at the pool I was able to finish another seminar topic and get a pretty decent start on my last one. Swimming is getting a lot easier; 30 minutes went by pretty quickly this time. I might have to up the dosage! We discovered there is an ice cream shop at the station today- not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing yet- and the ice cream was amazing!! We drove back to Kiplin and I was able to get another good two hours of work done before I was maxed out for the day. Time for dinner and TV time!!

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